
Hair Musing: Shelley Duvall

Hair Musing: Shelley Duvall

Shelley Duvall is the unique beauty who dazzles both in front of and behind the camera. Getting her start in Robert Altman’s iconic seventies films - which include Brewster McCloud, Nashville and 3 Women - Shelley picked up a Cannes Film Festival gong as well as a BAFTA.

Not content with a life of solely acting, Duvall jumped behind the camera instead, going on to become a TV and film producer. Her work included television adaptations of well known horror stories by those such as Edgar Allen Poe, entitled Nightmare Classics.

Nowadays, reports suggest that Duvall is now experiencing her own supernatural nightmare, and believes “aliens are living inside her body”, which only makes our fondness of her quirky character stronger.

Outrageous claims aside, our favourite Shelley hair muse moments came from the seventies. Her signature thinned out mullet with its parted fringe and wispy ends tops our list of guilty hair pleasures, and we also love the tucked-under bob she sported in 3 Women.

Talk to your Glasshouse stylist about how to make either look work for you!